Ayurvedic Herbs in the Salve
These are the BENEFITS according to Ayurvedic texts and the properties of the herbs. Please note (note evaluated by FDA)
Workout recovery and/or high impact sports recovery for sore muscles
Shea butter highly moisturizes skin
Immune health and central nervous system support
Reduces pain, stiffness, tightness in muscles, joints and nervous system
Can be used for cramps during a woman's menstrual cycle or for PCOS
Massage can be done before bedtime for a better nights rest due to the actions on the central nervous system by both Ayurvedic herbs & CBD
Apply multiple times per day massaging into skin to any area you need support.
There are specific herbs used in Ayurveda for the reduction of pain/swelling and support proper immune health and functioning. I have compiled beautiful images of some of the plants used for these imbalances in our salves and they are beneficial to nourish the highest level of health or OJAS. When we support our immune health, we can remain steady and stabilized against disease. In conjunction with internal formulas, yoga and proper diet related to your imbalance you have the best plan to alleviate sore muscles.
There are continuous studies of Ayurvedic herbs being done on a regular basis. I will link studies of specific herbs in the salve.
Cannabidiol | Cannabis |Hemp
Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active chemical in the cannabis plant that has a positive affect on the nervous system. The FDA has approved usage of CBD for epilepsy (nervous system disorder) and is continually performing research on CBD for effectiveness on many issues.
CBD can be taken internally (tincture, oil, gummy, vape) or used topically (salve/oil/lotion) and is not psychoactive unlike THC.